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Booking Terms & Conditions

Conditions of Hire - Registered charity No. 1000523

1. THE HIRER shall use the premises only for the purpose stated in the Hiring Agreement.
2. THE HIRER shall during the period of the hire, be responsible for the supervision of the premises, the
fabric, and the contents of the Hall, and of the behaviour of all persons using the premises in whatever
capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements. There must be a named person, who
is a responsible adult, on the premises throughout the booking .
3. THE HIRER shall not sub-hire the premises, or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for
any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way, nor do anything or bring on to the premises anything which
may endanger the premises or any insurance policies in respect of the premises.
4. ALCOHOL may only be purchased on the premises with the prior written agreement of the committee
5. THE HIRER shall indemnify the Committee for the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the
property, or the contents of the building that may occur during the period of hiring as a result of the hiring.
Any deposit paid shall be forfeited either in part or in whole against the cost of repair or replacement due to
loss or damage caused during the period of hire. Any cost over and above the amount of the deposit will also
be charged.
6. THE HIRER shall be responsible for all matters relating to health, safety, or security arising out of its
activities, and must immediately notify the Management Committee if they become aware of any risk to
health, safety, or security within the Hall.
7. THE HIRER shall make themselves familiar with the fire regulations and the escape routes from the
Hall in case of fire.
8. THE MISTLEY VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to
any property arising out of the holding of a function or for any injury that may be incurred by any person
during the holding of an event arising from any cause whatsoever.
9. THE HIRER shall be responsible for all their own equipment brought on to the premises and for any
damage caused to the Mistley Village Hall property or fixtures by any person, equipment or exhibits
brought on to the premises by the hirer. Nails, drawing pins, sellotape or other adhesives must not be used
on the walls of the Hall. "Bluetack" is acceptable.
10. THE HIRER may not use smoke machines or play ball games inside the Hall.
11. THE CAR PARK : The Mistley Village Hall Management Committee is not liable for any loss or
damage to cars parked in the car park.
12. THE TELEPHONE is for emergency use only and shall be used solely for 999 calls.
13. AT THE END OF THE HIRING the Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and
surrounds in a clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured unless directed otherwise by the
Mistley Village Hall Committee. (Cleaning equipment is in the kitchen.) All rubbish should be removed
from the premises and disposed of suitably. All furniture and equipment should be returned to the position
it was in at the start of the hiring.
14. THE MISTLEY VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE may at any time require any person to leave the
premises if there is or may be a breach of these Conditions or if there is inappropriate behaviour
Mistley Village Hall


Responsibilities of Hirers

1. ALL areas of the Mistley Village Hall are NO SMOKING. This includes the entrance, main
hall, Lounge, kitchen, toilets, and store cupboards. This is most important – if not enforced
then any deposit paid will not be refunded.
2. During the use of the hall: -
(a) Accidental spillages must be cleared up immediately.
(b) ALL accidents are to be recorded in the Accident Book, which is a red notebook kept in
the kitchen adjacent to the hatch.
3. At the end of the hire, it is your responsibility to make sure that:-
(a) Tables and chairs are wiped clean. Chairs must be hung on the frame with the seat to the
outside. Tables are stored in the cupboard in the lobby.
(b) Kitchen utensils are replaced in the cupboards and work surfaces cleaned.
(c) The toilets, urinals, and basins are left clean and have not been blocked up. No paper is left
on the floor of the toilets.
(d) All taps are turned off.
(e) All rubbish is cleared up and completely taken away. The small skip in the car park is not
to be used by hirers.
(f) All floors have been swept clean or washed down, but please do not wash the main hall
floor with anything but warm water. Do not use detergents or other cleaning agents on the
main floor of the Hall.
(g) All lights are switched off.
(h) All windows and doors are securely locked on leaving the premises. Please check all rooms.

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